
Recently, I sat down and put a few words together to express how I was feeling about things that were going on in my personal life, I sent this scribble to Mrs Bob and a couple of close friends, whose opinions on my work I’ve always valued and appreciated. I was honestly not ready for their response later that evening, as they blew me away by saying this…

“We love it, We want it read out at our send offs when we peg out.”

I was totally shocked by this kind of response to what was in effect a quick rough idea, as a result I decided to share it with you. It’s called Ghost


Wandering these lonely rooms

Forever, desperately chasing

One more fleeting, ghostly

Memory of happier times.

Searching for company,

Since the day I lost you.

My best friend, companion,

Lover, my whole multiverse.

A once warm and happy home,

Reduced to a house, now you’re gone.

Now no more than a cold, empty

Darkened mausoleum, without you.

Gradually, as sunset spreads

I see you once more. The waking

Nightmare is over for now.

At least, until I open my eyes again…


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