Technology Sucks (at times)


Well it’s taken me quite a lot of arguments swearing and stress to try to get the blog looking like I want it to. Then sorting the menus, links, etc.  Well that’s another story but it looks like we are up and running, thank goddness. I hope you had a better Sunday than me. Now to relax with graphic novels. #batman

Big Bang Breakfast

What a relaxing Sunday morning, bacon and egg cob and Big Bang Theory before I start a brief 3 hr shift at work. My co-workers seem to think of me as a walking Google.  This job is very challenging for someone on the spectrum but it helps me understand the way NTs think and interact. With my love of theoretical physics and neurological chemistry. I treat my social interactions  as a sort of science experiment.



Greetings to the big old interwebz from little old me.

Where do I start I’m a Father, Husband, Dyslexic, poet, Archer & Coffee lover oh yes I’m also on the ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) with a DX of Aspergers. This blog is just me going on about random stuff that happens in an around my life.

I though whilst putting my poetry book back together that I should have a space to just say random things. I use poetry to express those pesky thing that you NT’s (Neurologically Typical) find so easy, yes emotions.

Well if you wanted to describe me I guess I’m a cross between Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang theory and maybe Homer Simpson so here goes nothing…….

P.S This Blog unlike my published works is totally unchecked and is me warts (spelling and grammatical errors) and all. I shall be setting up a social media presence at some point soon.